Hey everyone!
I really passionate about games but I struggle a lot to finish the storyline for a lot of them. There are some games I would love to finish like Eastward or Sea of Stars, but I feel unable to reasume them. I feel like if the game is not a dopamine trap(League or Civ VI) I can’t continue playing it.
Does anyone here has face this issue and have found a way to work on it?
I face this issue but it’s a bit more positive for me. Once I beat a game I don’t usually wanna go back to it. But I stretched out BotW for 6 years until TOTK came out by just never fighting ganon. I’ve done this for quite a number of games and it really works. Same for Elden Ring. Once I beat that game and went to Ng+ though I just wandered aimlessly not having near as much fun as the first play through.
I just came across your comment 8 months later, but I’m thoroughly pleased someone else stretches out games like this - in particular BotW and TotK. I avoided Ganon for quite a while in both because I just enjoy tooling around Hyrule so much.
I deal with this too. I’ve accepted that there’s a sweet spot for the types of games I enjoy, and I generally stay in that zone.
First, the short-term gameplay loop has to be rewarding enough, which cuts out a lot of tedious “shopping list of waypoints” type of games and ones that are heavily story-driven with boring/tedious gameplay in between story beats.
Second, the upper limit needs to be right below the Skinner-boxes of dopamine traps. No gachas, no games with daily grinding, and I try to mostly stay away from MMOs these days. I know that I’ll get trapped in the dopamine loop and play them, even if I’m not actually having fun.
Maybe you don’t need to. These are games, for leisure, not your job (ok unless you’re a gaming youtuber or something). The completed game doesn’t have to be submitted to your manager on Monday morning or else. Many games just get harder and harder as you progress (and even those that don’t); just play until it stops being fun then move on. Save the stress for the job.
With how ADHD plagues some people, if a story isn’t finished, it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. Obsessive loops of thinking about what could happen instead of focusing on life.
Same here but different. I’ll do all the side quests and then when only the main story is left I’m bored and quit playing even if the story is really good. If I do just do the main story and skip a lot of side quests I lose all interest in the game after the story is done. Only 3 games that arnt like this forbme are rdr2 gtav and ghost of tsuhima.
I loved BOTW and TOTK but I wouldn’t have finished if my SO didn’t play half and make me play the harder parts he couldn’t pass. It’s somehow more fun to watch than play.