Levon Cade has left his profession behind him to go ‘straight’ and work in construction. He wants to live a simple life and be a good father to his daughter. But when his boss’s teenage daughter Jenny vanishes, he’s called upon to re-employ the skills that made him a legendary figure in the shadowy world of black ops. His hunt for the missing college student takes him deep into the heart of a sinister criminal conspiracy creating a chain reaction that will threaten his new way of life.
I don’t need to know what a movie is about if Statham is in it. It’s an obvious watch for me.
Isn’t this the same premise as The Beekeeper?
It’s a pretty similar premise to half his films. Guy with impressively murderous skillset tries to be normal but some baddies just want to provoke him. Like a budget John Wick.
It is just Transporter 8 but the last 5 haven’t had cars.
<TrailerVoice>This time he’s transporting his foot up their ass!</TrailerVoice>
Just Jason Statham doing Jason Statham stuff.
Jason Statham is great at Jason Statham stuff though.
Would you rather he do Jason Bateman stuff?I think, at this point in his career he should keep on doing what he is obviously good at as long as people pay to watch it. Perhaps we’ll get another gem like Crank, perhaps not.