Here is the inside before i spread the ganache over it
The recipe i used is available here. My favorite single mom in town asked me to make her a ho-ho cake for her birthday party tonight,and here is my final result! Where possible i have used vegan ingredients, although it does contain butter, buttermilk, and eggs. I live in a small rural town and finding vegan substitutes on a budget is very difficult. I made a test run for my friends this weekend and it fell apart in transit, but this time it survived the trip! The cream filling really needs a few hours in the fridge to stiffen up and not let the cake slide off.
I’m not sure who was down there, inspecting the table, but here are my little assistants
I have an assistant cat now… well she tries to assist herself to all sorts of forbidden foodstuffs.
You underselling it. That cake at least 4 ho’s
Milfs in my area are lining up to get a creampie from me
Sorry, read that as hoo-ha cake. I’ve seen things… That’s enough internet for me today.
Showed my wife and she said “… oh god, send me the recipe.” lol.
A nice cake.