For the sake of the question, let’s just assume that no apocalyptic event happens that wipes out the human race.
The way we begin 2025, both the Fallout and Judge Dredd universes come to mind.
That’s a big assumption but if not there may be a few of us that have adapted to the harsh air and live in holes in the Arctic and Antarctic poles where they can find land to protect from the super windstorms and acid rain. But I’m not sure what the food source will be. Maybe that shit they eat in the matix movies. Because you can’t grow anything due to the acid rain and contaminated soil from the above mentioned acid rain.
The woke kabal of global elites will abolish traditional biological gender norms. Every character in every piece of media will rewritten be trans. Hamlet? Trans. Jesus Christ? Trans. John McClain? Trans. The global government will keep the population meek with estrogen-laced tofu and anti-gun legislation. Nobody will read Plato; the only philosphers will be Judith Butler and Jaque Derrida. White people and white culture will have ceased to exist. America will be a Communist Islamic Transocracy where conservatives are hunted down by drones that capture them and force them to read Critical Race Theory.
based based based based
Massive wars will break out over climate refugees invading the least affected areas. Billions will die and those left will be trying desperately to rebuild society. Nuclear contamination will be a real problem after nukes are used by middle East countries completely out of fresh water that Western countries are hoarding. Corporations will be outlawed after Nestle attempted to create a water monopoly and massive revolt saw their board murdered in public by a mob. Humanity will be 1/10th the population of today.
In the background of what looks like a Panglossian techno-optimist novel, horrible things are happening. Most of humanity is wiped out, then arbitrarily resurrected in mutilated form by the Vile Offspring. Capitalism eats everything then the logic of competition pushes it so far that merely human entities can no longer compete; we’re a fat, slow-moving, tasty resource – like the dodo. Our narrative perspective, Aineko, is not a talking cat: it’s a vastly superintelligent AI, coolly calculating, that has worked out that human beings are more easily manipulated if they think they’re dealing with a furry toy. The cat body is a sock puppet wielded by an abusive monster.
The planets of the Solar System are dismantled over time to form a Matrioshka brain, a vast solar-powered computational device inhabited by minds inconceivably more advanced and complex than naturally evolved intelligences such as human beings. This proves to be a normal stage in the life-cycle of an inhabited solar system; the galaxies are revealed to be filled with such Matrioshka brains. Intelligent consciousnesses outside of Matrioshka brains may communicate via wormhole networks.
That seems like an AWFULLY BIG assumption right now.
OP didn’t specify “human” life…
They do now
No, they only stipulated that human life hadn’t been eradicated (yet) - the question itself didn’t mention humans.
Ah, I see what you mean
Well, if it’s not a post-apocolyptic hellscape I’m going to assume that someone figured something out.
Either post or mid mass migration. Big old swaths of the earth are gonna be tougher to inhabit in the coming decades. We’ll probably pave the way with famines and genocides. I’m sure the wealth gap will only grow. Most of us will be vegetarian.
Either our civilization collapses or we actually get past capitalism and start becoming a space faring civilization.
I think there will be some major advancement in energy production. Fusion energy is “perpetually 20 years away,” as the joke goes, but 75 years is a lot of 20 years so I’d wager it will be implemented. With that comes the freedom to utilize a lot more energy which will more than likely be needed if everything goes “AI driven XYZ”
The hurtle we really need to get over at that point is greed. When energy and artificial intelligence reduce the barriers to production, less people are needed to work, but with our current mindset around ownership and proper compensation we’d live in a society that would allow millions to be homeless and destitute.
Unfortunately I see a future of two worlds, wonderous advancement in technological capabilities and extreme poverty growing ever larger. :/
A lot more water
Technically, the same amount of water, but much less of it frozen.
Empty acidic oceans and smaller mammals. Larger insects and more carnivorous plants. No human life.
hopefully less religious and more logic driven
I, for one, welcome our Vulcan overlords
How do you know they’re not Romulans?
Spoken like a true Romulan
Sorry, no - you are likely confusing me with a Romulan due to the fact my time of Pon Farr is approaching.
Everyone will travel in tubes
Battlestar Galactica. Cyclons will rule and humanity will be forced to run.