Of course he does, so does Trump and so does Putin. Now, our dear leaders - go figure.
Elon Musk wants a weak world, one he can bend to his will and his will alone.
He has seen how unethical billionaires are and he wants to raise the stake by being the first recognized trillionaire.
You only “win” if you make the most money ever.
It’s most money times the lives you’ve ruined getting there.
I’d say that depends on whether their sadism trumps their greed.
I think you would get a real split decision if you asked them collectively which they would prefer, to ruin more lives or to make more money.
I’d say it is mostly ego and the money, power and ruining lives all scratch that itch.
At this point, EU regulations are driving a lot of decisions big companies have to make.
The rich have purchased the US and thus it really isn’t regulating anything anymore.
These rich folks need to weaken the EU so that it cannot regulate as effectively. That is probably the frame that makes the most sense.
Yay, we’re relevant again!
– yurobro
As a USian, I now regularly look to the EU to regulate what we won’t. USB-C charging is the most recent I can think of.
that’s exactly what musk wants, which is why he backed trump in the us, with incompetents and the corrupt are in charge, he can do whatever he likes as long as he kicks em back their pieces
Hy crap he doesn’t want to go to Mars! He wants to bring Mars here!