the sharpie pro marker
My dog, including her paws
Creosote, not the plant but the stuff they treat wood with. Smells like piers and amusement parks. Love it. Carcinogenic.
Steam Deck fan smell
Oh so you’re the reason they put out that health and safety statement.
No, Valve went out of their way to make it smell like electric strawberry.
The first time a heater turns on for the year
Tbh the smell gives me a tiny bit of anxiety because I’m always hoping that a fire doesn’t break out lol
This is mine too. Smells like weed to me.
I get what you mean… as long as it’s from a distance or a long time after it sprayed. I was recently in the vicinity of a skunk that had just sprayed (not at me, but happened maybe 50 feet away max), and holy shit it’s so, so much worse up close. I had an N95 on and had to retreat because the stench was unbearable. Like burning tires and acid and it’s SO overwhelming that you can fucking taste it.
0/10, would avoid if possible. I still find the smell from a good distance like a 6/10 though.