Strange that it took us like decades to figure this out :)
Strange that it took us like decades to figure this out :)
I still remember when Firefox decided to go with Chrome-like versioning to show progress. No more v4.5.1. but v87.1! Still bugs me a little bit, I liked the more relaxed attitude. Now versioning is changing again here and there, now it’s the year, like 2025.1 and I think that is a little pragmatic but probably a pretty good idea. They should go for that!
Maybe smartphones and social media are a problem here. Running around buttnaked with penises drawn to you face isn’t that fun anymore, if everyone can take a picture/video that might haunt you for decades. It’s self-surveillance.
A curated list of (not only) German piracy sites.
Everybody: Fuck Peter Thiel, fuck Elon Musk, fuck Honey, Fuck PayPal
Everybody: unflinchingly using PayPal
It’s a little boring but not bad news. Why the hate?!
Of you want something you’ll find a solution, of you don’t you’ll find an excuse