Can any straight man here explain what they like and why they like boobs so much? Like, what makes them attractive and why? Is it the size? Shape? Or The way they jiggle?
Life is hard and boobs are soft.
Best answer
breast answer?
Fuck why didn’t I think of that hahaha
because they are the soft warm and sweet examples of life
at the beginning there was only ass. when humans still walked in 4 legs, the sexual thing they saw in front was ass cheeks. then humans went and started to walk on 2 legs. humans evolved and developed basically boobs so they were at eye level and attract the males.
boobs are the cheap version of ass.
Boobs look like they’re drops of water, just about to drip. So there’s a certain anticipation there. Our brains are wired to predict where action and movement is going to be.
That is the first time i’ve heard that. Not sure about it, but sounds like it could be true. Interesting nonetheless.
Not straight, and not a man, but I just think they’re neat! There really doesn’t need to be a “why” to attraction, sometimes your brain just sees something and goes “yes”
You get it!
Firmware. It’s not a logical rational decision. Years of evolution I guess? There is embedded code in our brains that see tatas and we go ape.
That’s definitely not true. Many cultures around the world don’t see breasts sexually at all.
For example?
Educate yourself. Numerous cultures don’t cover the female breast. Not my job.
Humans are the only mammals with boobs that stay “inflated” without childbirth or breastfeeding involved.
The theory is that it’s an evolutionary selection, and the hypothesis is it’s an aesthetic choice that keeps reinforcing itself (a positive feedback loop) and now it’s HotWired in our brains.
The way i personally see it though, just like how i like certain types of food without a proper explanation to why, i also like boobs.
There’s also the idea it’s connected to being breastfed as a baby which brings back all those warm and safety feelings with them. That doesn’t explain why most women (I speculate) aren’t as into boobs as the average guy. That said, I’ve met multiple women, some straight,who also found boobs very fascinating. So maybe they get the same warm and safety feelings minus the sexual attraction?
You might be on to something. I was not breast fed, and I’m not a boob person in particular.
Now we have to wait for another anecdote from someone that was breastfed.
I was not breastfed as well (as couldn’t even digest my mother’s milk), still I like boobs very much. I find them very beautiful - and also like different forms and sizes.
I only don’t like boobs with silicone implants, they’re not soft and cuddly.
Gay woman
Small ones are cute and bite sized, big ones are squishy pillows. Regardless of size, they’re all soft and cute.
“Gay woman”
Isn’t that just straight woman?
Gay does not mean “likes men”
That is exactly what it means
How stupid are you? What kinda rock you been under?
I’m going to assume you’re being wilfully ignorant but not trying to be an ass. “Gay” is more often used of men than women, and it’s perhaps more common for people to use “lesbian” for gay women, but it just means homosexual (or sometimes more generally not heterosexual), regardless of sex or gender.
Cambridge: “sexually or romantically attracted to people of the same gender or sex”
Merriam-Webster: “of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to people of one’s same sex”
Oxford: “sexually or romantically attracted to people of the same sex”
Brittanica: “sexually or romantically attracted to someone who is the same sex”
Wiktionary: “Possessing sexual and/or romantic attraction towards people one perceives to be the same sex or gender as oneself.”
…no. They said “gay woman”. Not “straight woman”
English mother fucker, do you speak it?
It can’t be explained directly, by itself. They’re part of a bigger picture.
Straight men are attracted to women on the whole - legs, arms, waist, face, chest, back, it’s all good. Whatever force it is that makes us attracted to women, it’s not something that we chose or decided. We just do.
Since boobs are a sign of femininity, they’re attractive to us on exactly that level! They fit into our idea of what women look like.