White folks are used to being polite and accommodating to cops. Do not fall into your old ways. For once, your silence will not be violence. STFU if the cops come looking for your neighbours. No matter how friendly.

Fascism only works if we go along with it. Fascism only works if we surrender to it. Resist. Do not say a word about your neighbours. As far as the cops are concerned you’re a recluse who doesn’t talk to anybody where you live."

ID for all 3 images: White text on a black background:

"Fascist raids by law enforcement should be met with:

I don’t know.

I can’t help.

I do not know anybody’s legal status.

I have no idea who is an immigrant.

White folks are used to being polite and accommodating to cops.

Do not fall into your old ways.

For once, your silence will not be violence. STFU if the cops come looking for your neighbours. No matter how friendly.

Fascism only works if we go along with it. Fascism only works if we surrender to it.


Do not say a word about your neighbours. As far as the cops are concerned you’re a recluse who doesn’t talk to anybody where you live."

Credit: @Raeeka Yassaie

  • AllHailTheSheep@sh.itjust.works
    1 month ago

    I don’t think you understand what racism is. racism is when a group that is historically disadvantaged is prejudiced against. like black people, for example, who have had an entire power structure against them both historically and presently in this country. you cannot be racist against white people because there isn’t a power dynamic there. you can be prejudiced against white people, but racism implies an uneven power structure.

    • FabledAepitaph@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      This is objectively wrong. You can be racist against anybody, color aside. Stop it. Everyone deserves fair treatment, including white people. Just give it up; you’re in the wrong and you’re not doing any good for the movement. You’re just making more enemies by being prejudice.

      • AllHailTheSheep@sh.itjust.works
        1 month ago

        jesus my friend you should go read some literature and hopefully reconcile some of your opinions with yourself. I reccomend the wretched of the earth by franz fanon.

        edit: and for the love of god, no one hates you because your white. that’s taking the original post wayyyy out of context. even if you could be racist against white people (which you seem very intent on believing even though every expert opinion disagrees with you), it wouldn’t be racist to say white people historically have sided with cops and turned a blind eye. just like it’s not racist to say black people have historically been disadvantaged. because it’s a true observation that isn’t pushing any kind of narrative.

        • FabledAepitaph@lemmy.world
          1 month ago

          Get off your high horse; I don’t need to go read literature to understand what’s going on here because it is plainly evident. I have come across entire handfuls of these posts on social media; Lemmy, Reddit, and Twitter where people want to blame this amorphous concept of “white people”, “whiteness”, or whatever specific terminology they use to suggest white people are some master class responsible for their misfortunes. The real divide is financial, which is why you see class traitors of every race and background rise and become corrupted in office. Clarence Thomas is the perfect example of this, just to name a single one along with basically any black police officer or politician who chooses to abuse their position.

          I already mentioned somewhere else that basically every race has abused and marginalized every other race at some point in history. Race isn’t the inherent problem, but the desire to be superior for literally any reason. Today’s means to superiority is financial accumulation, combined with political power. Just because a small percentage of white people might be disproportionately putting other white people in positions of power, does NOT mean that “white people” are to blame. The abusers just happen to be white, and the nuance is important. It’s the same if they were black, yellow, red, or green.

          Your example is also poor because you’re picking and choosing examples. On one hand, we have people accusing “white people” of wrongdoing because they are “white people”, which would be the same as me saying that “black people” are responsible of crime because they’re black. The real problem is not that they are black, but that they may be disadvantaged, which isn’t an inherent trait associated with their race. Them being black doesn’t make them bad, the same way that a white person being white doesn’t make them bad, even if other white people are wrong-doers.

          And yes, you can be racist against white people. There is no definition that suggests racism is only possible against a certain type of person, which is ironically the exact definition of being racist.

          Stop being racist. Look outside your social media bubble and accept that black people can be racist against white people, along with literally any other race of person, and that racism is on full display in the original post here. And it’s on display with you for the entire world to see.