I am looking for Davinci Resolve Studio for Linux.
On PirateBay there is only Windows and one for Mac. They don’t even have a Linux apps category, only UNIX.
On 1337x.to they don’t have categories for the different operating systems, but from what I can see it’s only windows.
It costs $300 one time, which is a very fair price and I will pay it if it works on my computer. But because it’s so much money I want to check if it really works before I move over the money.
I tried the free version and it’s cool but it can’t handle the files from my Sony A7C and I need to transcode all of them before editing, that takes a lot of space and a lot of time because I have hundreds of files for each project. Theoretically the paid version should be able to use my Intel iGPU which has hardware acceleration for the file format my camera spits out. This way I could use both my GPUs at the same time.
I found this activation script for DaVinci Resolve Studio over on Reddit.
Post for those who don’t want to visit the site for valid reasons.
r/LinuxCrackSupport 6 mo. ago GameDev1909
[Davinci Resolve Studio 19] Crack For Linux
Compatibility with zlib-ng: Fedora 40 has switched from using the zlib library to zlib-ng-compat libraries, which affects DaVinci Resolve installation. However, there are workarounds to get it working. Here’s what you can do:
First, install the necessary packages to resolve compatibility issues:
sudo dnf install libxcrypt-compat libcurl libcurl-devel mesa-libGLU --allowerasing
For CachyOS Everything is installed already deps wise
sudo pacman -S fuse2
Next, optimize compatibility by moving some libraries:
cd /opt/resolve/libs && sudo mkdir disabled-libraries && sudo mv libglib* libgio* libgmodule* disabled-libraries
Alternative Installation Method: If the above steps don’t work, you can try installing DaVinci Resolve using the following command (which bypasses package checks):
SKIP_PACKAGE_CHECK=1 ./DaVinci_Resolve_19.0_Linux.run
Next Apply the Crack
sudo /usr/bin/perl -pi -e 's/\x74\x11\xe8\x21\x23\x00\x00/\xeb\x11\xe8\x21\x23\x00\x00/g' /opt/resolve/bin/resolve
and that is it
Ryzen 5900X
RTX 4070
19.0.3 works
Just want to mention DavinciBox, which makes installing Davinci on any distro a pretty seamless and hands-off affair.