I know of a great way to get gear early in the first STALKER game, but everyone hates me for it.
All you have to do is goad the military into getting into a firefight with the rookie camp and hide in the shop until the shooting is over and the military loses interest. Lots of dead rookie gear to sell, and at least a few dead soldiers to provide some mid-game rifles early.
Merc suit in the rookie village
It’s a common trick but makes it less fun to have better shit so early on. Done it a few times though
You can put your mid-game rifles and entire inventory into the safe before the cutscene in Stalker 2 to avoid losing them and starting with a PM Makarov in the first 20 minutes of the game.
role playing game games
Level up! Soon I can pick yellow mushrooms.
Charlie Brown got dark in his older years
BG3 enemies rarely drop clothes, only weapons and armour, though when we loot a place with clothing it’s a 30 minute fashion show and dying session
Clothing dying is the thing my group most save-scums for