It is going up. But why?
From what I’ve heard, the tariffs affecting cars/autos will impact other manufacturers. There are always day traders looking to make a few bucks from a bounce.
Personally, I expect Tesla to crash after the next quarterly report (probably in late April). I’m curious to see how Rivian stock goes, it might stabilize from so many looking for an EV alternative.
Welcome to Wall Street where the numbers are made up and the lines don’t matter
Get 10 friends.
Run into a McDonald’s and shout “Everyone get the MC Turd smoothie!”
Idiot buys it.
Do that a bunch of times over and over, with more idiots buying it.
At some point, someone realizes the MC Turd Smoothie tastes like poop. But it’s too late. You have too many idiots holding it so now they’re the 10 friends.
That’s the stock market.
Hmm. The lines are why it doesn’t matter.
The same thing it always does…
Bounces around wildly because it’s based on hype not actual value of the company
This ^
It seems like a dismissive statement, but Tesla is the embodiment of this era’s “hype” investing. So many players have it leveraged like a big casino game, and the end result is (mostly) that non professional or “slow” investors (like you, or your retirement fund) get screwed over.
I also should have mentioned that any Y axis that doesn’t start at zero is misleading and makes changes look more drastic.
I’m usually on top of that one.
A law requiring y axis start at zero would unironically do a lot to temper our economy. Just because graphs like OP’s would look less scary.
I don’t agree with this idea that Ys always need to start at zero. If you want to demonstrate volatility there is a good reason to chop the scale. Just be up front about what you’re doing and why you made that choice. It’s only misleading if you chop the scale and misrepresent the result.
Totally agree. This is a legitimate reason to chop the axis. There should be a law requiring schools to put a lot of time in teaching kids to read news and especially graphs.
10% is still a wild fluctuation for a company with the market cap of Tesla. In this case, I think its not “that” deceptive, as zero is not usually a reference in this case.
And if Y started at zero the graph would accurately show 10%, which is huge on that timeline.
And people wouldn’t be used to it and would react appropriately.
Although in this case I’d argue even then a month is deceptively short term when they’ve lost 50% this quarter
And just to be clear, the “hype” works more or less the same way when it’s leftie nerds cheering the drops than when it’s cultists cheering the increases.
Which is probably why people weren’t acknowledging that despite the huge drops they were still up year on year.
It’s because Mark Rober said he was still buying a new one after driving his through a wall.
1.4 billion missing from balance sheet. Stock goes up.
Every cyber truck in North America recalled. Stock goes up.
Tesla banned from Canadian EV rebate program due to evidence of institutionalized fraud. Stock goes up.
No idea what’s going on.
It’s called market manipulation!
They did it with crypto. They did it with NFTs. They did it with stocks. They’re doing it again with stocks.
The stock went down already when all the insiders learned about these risks and scenarios months ago.
Now it’s bouncing around because the derivatives market capitalizes on volatility.
Its a stock that’s heavily played by traders, it moves just as much if not more based on the technicals than the fundamentals. Also, look up the wonderful financial term “dead dog bounce”.
You mean dead cat bounce I think?
Oh yeah, lol, thanks!
Surprised this wasn’t dead human bounce (or something better sounding related to humans) the way traders jumped during first major stock crash before great depression.
Tesla has airways had volitility. It goes up when musk overhype it, it goes down when tesla underdelivers. I had some stock and got off that roller coaster when the truck was unveiled. I stopped believing it was above board at all.
Sick nazi reference in the numbers though.
Sick nazi reference in the numbers though.
I missed it at a glance., thank you for brightening my morning!
$14.88 is an obnoxiously common price for temporary box display items at home depot. Gloves, kneeling pads, drill bit kits. Always gets an eyebrow from me
I still dont get what its supposed to mean. I guess its AD HH. I dont think I have to explain the 88, but what does the 14 stands for?
Thanks for The clarification.
My assumption of good faith for it happening once is going for as close to $15 as possible but trying to avoid $14.99 because that is too obvious and just went to the next double number down.
But repeatedly? There is zero chance that nobody has pointed it out.
Stores will often use the cents portion of the price as an identifier for where it is on the markdown schedule. $xx.99 - that’s usually full price, the highest it will ever be. Others would be for things like “first markdown” or “don’t markdown” or “last markdown.”
There’s definitely some cents coding for clearance there. A $100 item will be identified as being removed from inventory when it goes to 1st clearance at 50.06, 2nd clearance at 25.03 or 25.02. There’s a whole game to find those items at the next stage, scrap or return to vendor, when it get pulled form the shelf and set to 0.01. But the order isn’t always perfect and you can get lucky if you find it and don’t get caught
Reddit comments say 88 is a “special buy” item. In my experience, that means freestanding box with a giant price tag
Is the sales tax in your area 7.5% by any chance?
$16 x (100/107.5)= $14.88
I don’t see any gloves priced at 14.88 on their website at a quick check. I wonder if the store is trying to set a price that tallies to an even dollar amount and doesn’t know the connotation. I only recently learned about those numbers being associated so I would like to believe a benign explanation. Maybe you could ask to talk to a store manager next time you see it an make sure they know to avoid that price point.
Found one item real quick, Husky Foam Kneeling pad. Same price of $14.88 for NYC, LA, Nebraska, and Delaware.
That’s not my tax rate, although it’s a good guess. It occurs across a number of store sin my area, although all in the same state. My theoretical benign explanation is its an inventory code for short term items around holidays. I’ll probably be there later today and see what I can find
It fell from 450 to 200 in less than three months. It’s completely normal that it bounces off some target prices.
Also, I don’t See what you see
It’s also a very heavily manipulated stock and some GOP begged on FOX news to buy tesla. They will get shaken off pretty soon and could cause the price to tumble way stronger.
It’s price even after dropping a shitton is completely stupid
9 months ago it dropped down to $100, which is still massively overvalued.
I was convinced it would never make it above 300 again once it was under, but then came the trump rally.
Do you know what the value should be considering it’s PE and whatnot? And whatever that is, is going to take a dive once the sales impacts are fully felt in the coming quarters. International sales are going to evaporate. Domestic probably as well. Prices going to increase from tariffs and supply chain issues. And competitors are making them look amateur in terms of build quality. Oh and Cyber Truck.
Not really. I did a very broad estimation two years ago, by comparing them to the biggest car companies that also ventured into energy, robotics and many other things.
The very best price I could put them to was $30 per share. I was very generous back then and expected them to progress instead of regress, and also pretended they were as established as the big old.
But other than my name would suggest, I’m not some trading expert and should be taken as serious as anyone else that shits into the void
I think the highest I’ve heard someone claim their share price based on actual profitablity was around $100 or so, which is still far lower than current.
Don’t assume anything that happens with Tesla stock actually has anything to do with the value of the company. It was WILDLY overvalued for a long time and now it’s going to be complete chaos for a lot of obvious reasons. One day it may bounce up considerably only to crash hard the day after.
I believe it’s a pump-n-dump ahead of the earnings call on April 23rd. Those results are not going to be good and I expect that that the big investors who are driving this will start selling off next week to cash in.
I suspect a pump and dump as well. Trump did a Tesla commercial to dupe the MAGAts into buying, now they will dump their stock and let it burn.
The stock went down when Tesla’s sales numbers for the first quarter of 2025 got out and showed a decrease of sold vehicles, on top of Musk’s shenanigans and the protests at Tesla showrooms. Now these events have been “priced in” and the stock operates on vague estimates and wishful thinking again until the next slew of substantial bad news hits, at the latest when the next quarterly numbers are due.
Presumably the president saying that it’s going to use the entire federal executive to boost a single failing company’s shortcomings is good for buyer confidence. At this point it should be nationalized for as much money has been handed to that company from our pockets.
Options expire Friday.
People (or likely AI) purchasing what they think is a dip.
Nothing special, just bouncing around as all shares in the index does.
I think the March 24 jump was directly caused by stuff Trump said about Tesla and the protesters being terrorists.
The stock market casino, where the value of a company is based on someone making a comment about things unrelated to how the company operates.
But the comments do matter?
The stock market traded on speculation of future value, not current value. If tesla increases profit by $1M , their market cap doesnt increase by $1M. It increases or decreases by the speculative future value.
If protestors are going to be prosecuted, the perceived value of the company increases because theyre will be less negative press.
It also leads to, "what else is the president going to do to help musk’s company? " and that list is endless, and speculation runs wild.
The stock market traded on speculation of future value, not current value.
That’s what makes it a casino, because the future speculation isn’t based on anything tangible, just feelings that can be swayed by a single sentence and you never know what will actually happen. You can play the odds, and there are mostly consistent average changes, but individual stocks/bets are completely random and unpredictable.