I’ve always hated how alcohol commercials play up like a cool beer is the best thing in the world, or a glass of whiskey is what will put hair on your chest. It’s a disgusting narrative that ruins people’s lives.
On social media, there’s a huge variety of it. People posting how they were sober on NYE. Folks sharing before/after as they’ve gone cold turkey. I see people share tips of what type of mocktails to get at bars, and alternatives to having a fun night over getting drunk.
I appreciate that.
And this is not bashing alcohol. Moderation in everything.
I really want a drink right now but i dont want to get shit faced. The problem is, once i pop the fun dont stop, ya know
I’ve never touched alcohol in my life outside of cleaning purposes (I mean isopropyl alcohol, or as I like to call it, icy prope). And to be honest, you’ve convinced me to remain teetotal.
However, I always have the feeling I wanted to try out some drinks just for that taste but can’t because it’s got some of that الكحول in it. And there are very few non-alcoholic alternatives for these drinks. The only one I’ve tried is a virgin mojito (in my country it’s sometimes referred to as just “mojito” because it’s the only one we know). And honestly, it tastes great. And then there’s the fact that I can’t make my own vanilla extract. You need ethanol for that, and I just have this fear of putting it in my body because I don’t wanna get addicted to it.
I’ve always treated alcohol like drugs and tobacco. They feel fun, and you want more, but it will knock you out when you least expect it.
I don’t know why drinking alcohol has to be a binary issue, but maybe my propensity for addiction is lower than normal. Does it seem like the majority of human beings have to just not drink at all or they binge out and wake up in the bushes?
One of the primary functions of alcohol in humans is lowering inhibitions. It stands to reason then that the more one drinks, the more one will drink.
I’ve been there myself. I spent my entire 20’s at the bar. It was fun and I regret nothing. But now I can count on one hand the number of alcoholic drinks I had in 2024.
when you’re old enough to get a hangover just from staying up late
Listen, I can’t deal with my sore back, bum knee, AND a hangover all at once.
I’ve never actually had a hangover in my life, despite drinking since I was 16.
What does it feel like?
Like someone didn’t hit me in the face with a crowbar.
I remember being this. I also remember everyone telling me to enjoy it while it lasts… and they’re aboslutely right.
One day it just goes away. Suddenly you have a hangover for the first time, and then that’s it. You’re no longer the “I don’t get hangovers” person.
I’m 58. I’m pretty sure that if I haven’t had one by now I won’t have one.
Well dont binge drink and youll be fine.
The anti-chiropractic echo chamber that is Lemmy left me in in pain for far too long. I’m certain they vary wildly in skill and quality, but after just two sessions, my 3 weeks of lower back pain are gone. Dude is a godsend.
The placebo effect does exist, and I still remain skeptical of chiropractors, but I’m glad that you were able to get some relief.
Fact is, the objective scientific/medical understanding of the causes and treatment of lower back pain is pretty limited anyhow, so you might as well try whatever you can.
The placebo effect is pretty magical in itself. You’re convincing your body to heal itself and it does in a minority of people. I guess there really are wizards among us.
The placebo effect is less about healing yourself and more about altering your perception of your situation
The ortho basically shrugged and told me to go to physical therapy. Physical therapy was nice but was very slow going and time consuming. Chiropractor brought immediate relief. Would I like them to have a deeper medical and scientific understanding of what they are doing? Of course. But I am not going to argue with results.
That’s the thing though, physiotherapy is proven to work, through decades of practice and research. We know how and why various exercises etc. have the effects they do based on what damage you’ve suffered.
Chiropracty was founded with the belief that misalignment of your vertebra is the sole cause of various illnesses and disease, ergo if you pop your spine correctly you’ll cure your cancer, or your asthma, or what have you. That’s obviously not true. There’s no real evidence that ciropractic manipulation actually fixes anything, but people do experience relief for a time. Then that passes and they need to return for follow up sessions.
There are also dangers involved with the practise, with people suffering serious injuries, and some even dying because of it.
I wouldn’t want someone without a proper education to mess around with my spine. It’s too important.
Ex-wife was an RN and not prone to magical thinking. Chiropractor fixed her shit in 6 weeks, told her she was done, don’t come back. She was and she didn’t. It was honestly amazing.
So yeah, I won’t lump them all in with the modern alchemists, but OTOH, they should have been self-regulating if they wanted to be taken more seriously.
I just feel like… If you believe in science, and want to actually help people, you become a physiotherapist or an orthopedist or something. You know, real medicine.
Like, was there something that specific chiropractor did that they would not have been able to do if they had become a physiotherapist instead? I feel like there is a Venn diagram here, where the shit that chiropractors do that actually works is entirely overlapped with some other form of actual doctor.
They did it to themselves with the voodoo bullshit trying to be pretend doctprs but it doesn’t mean their services are useless. Medical Community used their stupid PR to drive them from the discourse. Remember that doctors are not our friends, just another merchant that might do you right.
Many people are satisfied with their chiropractor services and that in of it self is value even if some quack thinks it’s placebo.
The chiropractic field drove themselves from the scientific discourse by refusing to participate in peer-reviewed double-blind studies. I’m very good friends with a chiropractor and know others through them. If I had a nickel for every “science can’t study what we do” I’d be a rich man. We just don’t talk about it because it’s not productive to friendship lol
Many people are satisfied with their chiropractor services
That seems awfully self-selecting, doesn’t it? Someone that is dissatisfied is not likely to remain a customer
Medical Community used their stupid PR to drive them from the discourse
Why are you blaming this on actual medical practitioners immediately after saying “They did it to themselves with the voodoo bullshit trying to be pretend doctors”. Of course actual doctors aren’t interested in what people who are lying about being doctors have to say
The customer decides, not the quack;)
The customer decides what?
That seems awfully self-selecting, doesn’t it? Someone that is dissatisfied is not likely to remain a customer
I’m really glad that more and more places are offering fun mocktails. Sometimes you want the social aspect of drinking but not the alcohol
I just wish they wouldn’t charge alcohol prices for them
I hate that mocktails are as expensive if not more expensive than literal alcoholic drinks despite having no expensive alcohol in them.
I wouldn’t say I “appreciate” it as it leans towards being subjective, but I’d say it seems to make more sense for alcohol to be refused. What goes on in a person’s mind when they’re using the world’s oldest form of psychiatry to reduce their faculties which are themselves implied to be the issue as a response to the weight of life?
I wish I could stop drinking. Save yourselves.
Man I haven’t “quit” but a couple months back I just decided it was more work to go get a beer from the fridge than it was worth. Because then after a few I had to then get up and piss. More effort. Now I’m out of beer at the house and it’s more effort to drive to the store and get it and then it would repeat that cycle. So, pure laziness has more or less sobered me up.
I actually do have a nice bottle of whiskey hidden but it’s not open and I’ve been saving it for an occasion(ive had it almost a year). I do have to entertain guests coming up so I think I’ll just get a small case of nice beer and leave it as an option and once it’s gone it’s gone.
So anyway what I’m saying is, maybe try just being lazy.
Man, i think being too lazy to drink, while helpful, is probably depression of some sort.
You think? I don’t really feel any different. Ive been lazy about other things too but I think it’s more because they’re outdoors and I’m adverse to the cold.
Edit: My job is active and I work out a little so my body feels pretty good. Which also helps a lot. Anyway this isn’t about me it’s about op I’m just letting him know what’s working for me.
There’s a C for that:
Is that the way whiskey is advertised? Huh. I don’t see commercials anymore, so IDK.
I drink single-malt Scottish whiskey occasionally because I enjoy the flavors. Same with most bourbons and ryes. But Kentucky whiskey? Bleah. Sadly, I am poorer than my preferences.
Just FYI, Scotch is whisky without an ‘e’. American and Irish are whiskey with an ‘e’. Japanese varies.
From what i can find, it seems like the spelling is pretty arbitrary, like much spelling in English.. While there are certainly articles claiming that it’s always Irish whisky, without an e, some very old Irish distilleries use the older/other spelling. It’s a matter of law in Scotland–without the e–and seems to be largely grammatical inertia otherwise.
English is weird.
When discussing alchohol, pretty much everything is arbitrary.
whenever we go as a group to get cocktails we do 2 booze rounds and 1 boozeless round so we’re all set to drive
You are not okay to drive after two booze rounds